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The Law & children

Child custody, visiting rights and german family law

Being an experienced family lawyer specialized in chid custody law I have intricate knowledge of the many difficult scenarios for parents and kids that can arise out of divorce, split up or personal difficulties. All these issues are highly complex and defined by intensive emotional struggle. As a parent in such situations you are under enormous pressure and need fast and competent help. I can provide you with that help and guide you through the complex legal situations that you are entangled in.

Whether you are in a divorce and trying to solve the issue of custody of your children or want to ensure your visiting rights, whether you want to return a child to your homeland in the future or need to react to an unlawful relocation of your kids to Germany or away from Germany I can offer you competent and fast help.

In disputes with the german child custody administration (Jugendamt) I have extensive experience and can protect your and your kids rights throughout the process. Often the german family courts have no discernible procedural rules and seem to blindly follow experts opinions of questionable quality. Based on such unreliable and pseudoscientific expert opinions far reaching decisions are found with a profound impact on your kids live and – of course your live –  as well. I thrive to ensure that your legal process will not be defined by unreliable information and that the rules of procedure (yes, they do exist!) are followed.

Your issues in german custody law

Any child custody case is emotionally trying for the parents involved. That is not different in german custody law cases. However, as a foreign parent your burden will be even harder to bear, as there will be cultural and language barriers that are difficult to grasp. The differences between common law and continental law are profound and have a strong impact on the design of our legal process. Even with intricate knowledge of the german culture you will come upon previously unknown ideas that seem farfetched and unjust to you. Together we will be able to sift through these issues and differentiate between issues of german custody law that we need to address to the court and purely cultural misunderstandings.

Being in a german custody law case you will feel left alone and misunderstood irrespective of any language barriers. I can provide help in that regard. Having lived and worked in the UK, Ireland, the States and New Zealand for extensive periods of time I am also able to mitigate the cultural problems that will add to these difficulties.

I have an open ear to your issues, and am interested in a close and trustful contact to my clients while dealing with your interests in german custody law.

I  can

  • protect you from illegal decisions
  • help you understand german legal process
  • develop an specific legal strategy for you
  • translate and explain german legal documents for you

International law

Having worked for several international organizations I have best connections in a wide field of different international organisations. I have studied and practiced international law and can identify the best path towards a long-lasting solution of your problem. I cooperate with different mediators, psychologists and foreign lawyers and will be able to provide fine tuned and specified support in your case.